
Can All Natural Herbs Fight Cancer?

You’ve probably heard about all of the health benefits of green tea herbs and supplements as potential treatments or preventatives for cancer. Interest in herbal medicines have enjoyed a widespread resurgence because of rising health costs and the incidence of cancers and other illnesses. Today, doctors and researchers are conducting studies looking into the potential of herbs to help lessen the risk of cancer and enhance overall quality of life.

Because plants have thousands of individual constituents (phytocompounds) and because they work in harmony with the body, doctors and researchers have recognized herbs as effective complementary treatments for cancer and other health issues. There are currently over 1,400 plants that have traditionally been used to treat various forms of cancer. Below are featured some of the herbs you will find within Sir Jason Winters teas and supplements along with some case studies that have been cited for potential health benefits.


Green Tea

Green-TeaScientists from around the world have conducted extensive studies into the power and benefits of herbs. One great example is one of the chief ingredients of green tea. Camellia sinensis, the plant from which green, black, and even white tea is produced has shown strong indications, both traditionally and in scientific studies that it has the potential to help stop the advancement of or reduce incidences of several forms of cancer.

Within green tea or Camellia sinensis, for example, the polyphenolic compounds such as epigallocathechin-3-gallate have been shown to act as powerful antioxidants and increased detoxification within the body.

One such study (Click here to read the survey ) published by a group of researchers within the Department of Oncology, Rehabilitation Institute at the Shanghai Seventh People’s Hospital in Shanghai, China, (2015) found that these polyphenols were found to reduce the risk of cancer in the lungs, liver, intestines and in particular, cancers in the mouth. The same study indicated that these polyphenols may also cause the shrinkage and apoptosis or the programmed death of certain types of cancer cells.



ChaparralNative Americans of the Southwest and Mexico have used chaparral (Larrea tridentate), also known as creosote bush for centuries in the treatment of numerous illnesses, pain and inflammation. It is a powerful herb that contains several antioxidant properties which makes it worthy of much respect. Chaparral contains a phenolic compound, nordihydroguariaretic acid ( NDGA) which is found on the stems and the leaves of the Chaparral plant. The Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy published a study (Click here to read the survey ) indicated that certain patients using chaparral tea, some did experience some reduction in tumor size.



Red Clover

Red CloverRed Clover (Trifolium pratense) is one of the world’s most well-known and effective tonic herbs. Red clover has shown great promise in helping detoxify the body and act as a blood purifier that can potentially assist in the deterrence of breast and bowel cancers. The aerial part of the plant, particularly the flowers, is the chief part of the plant that is used.

According to a research team at the Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine at Aarhus University Hospital in Aarhus, Denmark (Click here to read the survey), red clover contains isoflavones, probiotics, flavonoids, phenolic acids which include salicylic acid. The flavonoids that are contained within the flowers and leaves of red clover contain phytoestrogens and were found to be extremely beneficial for women in treating menstrual, menopausal, and other estrogen related health complaints. Test subjects who participated in the study had noted little to no side effects.



GingerGinger (Zingiber officinale) is a root plant that originated in South Asia. Since the Middle Ages, ginger has been a valued spice throughout the world. Ginger is not only a staple as a culinary herb that is added to all manner of foods and drink, its value as a medicinal herb is almost second to none. Ginger has long been known to help settle an upset stomach. It also is helpful in reducing high blood pressure, soothing coughs, as well as reducing fever. Ginger’s key constituents include gingerol, shogaol and zingerone and has shown itself to have antiviral and antimicrobial properties, according to a report appearing in the journal Phytomedicine in 2005 (Click here to read the survey), ginger is a broad spectrum antiemetic and has antimicrobial and antiviral properties. In a study conducted St. Bartholomew’s Hospital (1990), ginger was more effective in relieving post-operative nausea than conventional medicines.



TurmericMany people know and appreciate turmeric (Curcuma longa) for the unique flavors that it adds to many foods. Turmeric is an antioxidant and is becoming widely accepted as an alternative for reducing inflammation and reducing pain without the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. In a review (Click here to read the survey ) appearing in EXCLI Journal in 2013 also indicated that turmeric had shown potential in reducing and inhibiting incidences of skin, stomach and mouth cancers as well as protecting the body from a number of known carcinogens.

As you can see, herbs and spices can improve the flavor and aroma of our food and drinks. Since before recorded history, herbs and spices have been used to heal and relieve pain. Today we have access to a wide variety of herbs and spices from around the world that can be used to enhance our daily life by making us feel better. 



Chevallier, Andrew. Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. p. 275

Hoffmann, David. Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts, 2003. Print. p. 159 – 167 – Ancient Remedy Shrinks Cancer, Wednesday, August 11. 2004

European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2015, Vol 24, No. 4

“Tea consumption and the incidence of cancer: A systematic review of prospective observational studies” by Yu Fei Zhang, Qin Xu, Jian Lu, Peng Wang, Hong-Wei Zhang, Li Zhou, Xiu-Qiang Ma, and Yu-Hao Zhou ( )



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