About Herbs In Jason Winters Products
Did you know Jason Winters Premium Teas & Supplements are all natural?
We use only the finest ingredients from around the world.
Please take a moment and read about the wonderful herbs used in Jason Winters Products
RED CLOVER (Trifolium Pratense)
This herb has been popular in Europe since before the birth of Christ. It has been used by herbalists in almost every country as a tonic for the nerves and as a sedative. It can be good for coughs, weak chest, wheezing, bronchitis, and for lack of vitality and nervous energy. The Indians used the plant for sore eyes and in salve for burns. It has also been used as an antidote for cancer.
It is a valuable herb for diseases and has been widely used for rickets, whooping cough, arthritis, as a blood purifier, liver problems, skin diseases, syphilis, toxins, and ulcers.
The blossoms from this plant were used as a tonic, taken in the spring, to promote good health and peace of mind. It contains small amounts of silica, choline, calcium and lecithin – all essential for normal body function. It works as a muscle relaxer and also is a good expectorant. It is in old-time remedy for eczema.
In the 1930s red clover flowers became popular as an anticancer remedy, and may still be prescribed to breast, ovarian and lymphatic cancer sufferers.
Red clover has been used for psoriasis, scales, cold sores, and even leprosy. Fomentations have been advised in cases of rheumatism and sore breasts, and as poultices for sores, athlete’s foot and abscesses. Combined with other herbs, red clover is used to treat cancers and tumors.
INDIAN SAGE – (Salvia Officinalis)
INDIAN SAGE – (Salvia Officianlis)
This herb grows to a height of 70 cm in a sunny and sheltered position. It’s wrinkled leaves are grayish-green with a silvery sheen. This amazing herb possesses an aromatic scent and is one of the greatest tonics and curative herbs. It is known to contain Vitamin A and C, Vitamin B Complex, Calcium, Potassium, Sulfur, Silicon, Phosphorus, and Sodium.
Externally, it is recommended for wounds and insect bites. It has been used to gargle for bleeding gums, sore throat, laryngitis and tonsillitis.
Internally, it is believed to strengthen the body, relieve night sweats, cramps, disorder of the spinal cord, it is a blood cleanser, improves blood circulation, and dispels phlegm from the respiratory organs, helps to build up the immune system in the body, helps the stomach to rectify intestinal trouble and diarrhea and beneficial for mental exhaustion and strengthening the ability to concentrate.
Chinese physicians used sage to treat insomnia, depression, gastrointestinal distress, mental illness, and menstrual difficulties.
HERBALENE – (Special Spice)
These herbs were used anciently as a tonic. Early Chinese writings refer to Herbalene as the “superior tonic.” These herbs are considered to be an “adaptogen”, having a normalizing affect on the body’s functions. It is widely used in a Collective Chinese Immune Stimulating Therapy called “Fu Zheng.” A weak immune system allows a lot of infectious diseases to develop, among these are: Cold, Influenza, Sore Throat, Laryngitis, Pneumonia, Meningitis, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, and AIDS.
When Jason Winters mixture was tested by Dr. Ian Pierce of England, it was said that the Herbalene acted as a catalyst to make the other two herbs in the tea 27 times stronger. Hashimoto, the former Prime Minister of Japan, considers Jason Winters Tea to be THE HEALTHIEST DRINK IN THE WORLD!
BURDOCK – (Arctium Lappa)
This herb has been recommended for use in treating dry skin conditions. When used over a long period of time it can provide relief from ailments such as psoriasis and eczema. Burdock is also used as an aid in digestion and appetite. It seems to direct the body to a healthier state by eliminating system imbalances which bring forth indicators such as dandruff and skin problems. Often times it can be used externally in compress form to expedite the healing compounds.
Throughout history, burdock has been recommended for a variety of illnesses. Ancient Chinese physicians used it to treat colds, coughs tonsillitis, skin infections, measles and snakebites.
Traditional European and American herbalists and homeopaths prescribed it for many maladies ranging from simple colds to gout. Burdock has been claimed to be an antioxidant as well as a blood purifier.
The 12th-century German herbalist, Hildegard of Bingen used burdock to treat cancerous tumors. Burdock has been used by Russia, China, India and the Americas.
CAYENNE PEPPER – (Capsicum Annuum)
As a system stimulator Cayenne regulates the blood flow, fortifying the heart, capillaries, arteries and nerves. Considered a general tonic, it is beneficial for both circulatory and digestive systems. It has been an effective aid for starving the common cold. When applied externally, it can cause redness of the skin when treating such problems as rheumatic pains and lumbago.
Most cayenne peppers originated in India and Africa. In India, the East Indies, Africa and the Caribbean, red pepper enjoys a long history as a stomach settling digestive aid. The hot red cayenne chili arrived in the West from India in 1548 and was known as Ginnie pepper. They described it as extremely hot, arid dry, even in the fourth degree and was recommended for scrofula, a prevalent lymphatic throat and skin infection commonly known as King’s Evil.
Cayenne was popular with the 19th century physicians who prescribed its heat properties for chills, rheumatism and depression to increases the heart action without affecting the blood pressure.
A powerful stimulant for the whole body, the fruit increases blood flow, stimulates the nervous system, increases the appetite, relieves indigestion, and is an effective aid for throat problems. It encourages sweating and is antibacterial, thereby making it ideal for colds and chills. Recent research suggests that cayenne can ease the severe pain of shingles and migraines. It is said to be a catalyst, carrying all other herbs quickly to the part of the body where it is needed most.
ELECAMPANE – (Inula Helenium)
This herb has been used to soothe children’s nagging bronchial coughs. It has been useful as a treatment method for tuberculosis. The bitter nature of it can help to stimulate digestive action and appetite.
An excellent tonic, especially for weakness following influenza or bronchitis, the root loosens stubborn phlegm and can help coughs and congestion, particularly in children. It contains inulin, which has been used as a sugar substitute in diabetes.
The Ancient Romans used elecampane in medicine and served the rhizome (root) as a vegetable. The Anglo-Saxons had elaborate rituals for uprooting this plant; they believed it was a cure for the legendary “elf sickness.”
The Chinese have used the herb for centuries treating respiratory disorders. Early in the twentieth century, European physicians reported some success in alleviating chest and lung disorders with elecampane. Considered one of the most important herbs to the Greeks and Romans, elecampane was regarded as an almost I cure-all for ailments as diverse as edema, digestive upsets, menstrual disorders and sciatica.
The Anglo-Saxons used the herb as a tonic, for skin disease and for leprosy. By the 19th century it was used to treat skin disease, neuralgia, liver pain and coughs. Today it is almost solely used for respiratory problems. In China, the flowers (xuan fu hua) are recommended for asthma and bronchitis with excessive phlegm, and also for vomiting and acid reflux. Chinese research has demonstrated elecampane contains mild antibacterial properties and has a stimulant effect on the nervous system, digestion and adrenal cortex.
Fenugreek is highly touted for local healing and minimizing inflammation of systematic conditions like sores, boils, wounds and tumors. When taken internally, it can aid in the recovery of bronchitis. It can ease sore throats when used as a throat wash. Because of its bitter nature it tends to act as an aid in digestive upsets. For nursing mothers fenugreek can stimulate milk production. Highly regarded by Hippocrates fenugreek is one of the oldest medicinal herbs. In ancient Egypt, it was used to ease childbirth and to increase milk flow. It is still used by Egyptian women for menstrual pain, and it is a popular aid in easing tourists afflicted by gastric upsets.
Fenugreek was traditionally used in China as an aphrodisiac. Additionally, it was used to treat male impotence, as well as to ease menstrual pain and menstrual problems. The antiviral properties have been touted for reducing mucus and relieving inflammation.
Western research has recently highlighted hypoglycemic properties. In trials of late-onset diabetes cases, fenugreek has reduced urine sugar levels by 50 percent. It is also suggested for breathing and throat disorders.
GINSENG – (Panax)
Ginseng can help users reach their physical peak, typically promoting vitality and physical performance. It has been used to specifically raise blood pressure to normal levels and has been effective in combating weakness and exhaustion.
There are many historical accounts regarding ginseng. It was used in China for over 5,000 years and was well recognized by 5th-century Arab physicians.
Marco Polo wrote of this valued wonder drug. And, when a delegation from the King of Siam visited Louis XIV, they presented Ylim with a root of gintz-aen. From that point on, ginseng was widely used by wealthy Europeans for exhaustion and debility. It became well known in America by the 18th century where it was found to grow in various locales throughout the country.
Modern research has identified steroidal components similar to human sex hormones. Ginseng relieves stress, improves stamina, regulates blood pressure and enhances the proper functioning of the immune system. It helps strengthen the body under stress and is consumed for endurance and resistance to infection. It is beneficial to men for impotence or low sperm count and for women in menopause as it stimulates estrogen. Ginseng is also suggested for senility, diabetes, anemia, headaches, appetite stimulation, blood pressure normalization and for endurance.
GREEN TEA – (Camellia Sinensis)
Green tea is one of those herbs that can promote overall good health and vitality. It is produced much like the black and oolong teas, except that the leaf is heated prior to rolling. It remains green throughout processing.
Green Tea is rich in fluoride and can reduce tooth decay. It is also useful for insect bites and can slow bleeding. The tea has been known to combat stomach and skin disorders and to boost the immune system.
The tea plant, Camellia Sinensis, is a small swordlike, evergreen tree that is a native to Southeast Asia.
Known in China as cha, tea has become such a familiar drink that we forget it is also considered a potent medicinal herb. The Chinese have been drinking tea since around 3,000 BC and regard it as a good stimulant, an astringent, a remedy for clearing phlegm and a digestive remedy.
For extensive information about green tea, please CLICK HERE!
WILD OATS – (Avena Sativa)
The grain from the oat plant is not only nutritious, but it is now known that oat fiber serves another important purpose: it is one of the most effective ways to reduce serum cholesterol. Rich in a gum called beta glucam, two to three ounces of oat fiber per day in a low-fat diet can reduce cholesterol by five to ten percent. Oat extract is a natural relaxant and excellent for indigestion as well as a “naturalizer” to the sexual system and a “youthafier.”
Goats provide a stimulant effect on the body, hence the term “feeling his oats.” Oats are considered to be good as a restorative nerve tonic, ideal for depression and energy deficiency. Oats have also been used for degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis and for recurrent or persistent colds.
The tea plant, Camellia Sinensis, is a small swordlike, evergreen tree that is a native to Southeast Asia.
OOLONG TEA – (Camellia Sinensis)
Japanese research suggests that oolong tea can reduce high blood pressure and limit the risk of arterial disease. It contains phenols, which inhibit cholesterol absorption. Additionally, oolong tea acts as a circulatory stimulant and tonic for blood vessels and has been reported to help prevent atherosclerosis. Oolong tea has also been used as an astringent for clearing phlegm as well as a digestive remedy, and is considered effective at reducing cholesterol levels after a fatty meal.
The tea plant cultivated in southern China and Taiwan seems to be most suitable for preparing oolong tea. In the processing of this tea the aroma develops quickly, and when the leaf is dried, a copper color forms around the leaf edge while the center leaf remains green. The flavor is fruity and pungent.
PAUD’ ARCO – (Tabebuia Impetiginosa)
The bark of a Brazilian tree, Pau D’ Arco, has been known to provide many health benefits. As an old-time remedy, it can provide relief for candida, athlete’s foot, and other annoying fungal infections.
It is said that tribal doctors in Brazil brew a tea from the inner bark, which they use to treat cancer, ulcers, diabetes and rheumatism. There are claims that suggest Pau D’ Arco is “a powerful tonic and blood builder” and has been found effective against rheumatism, cystitis, bronchitis, gastritis, ulcers, liver ailments, asthma, gonorrhea, ringworm and hernias. Pau D’ Arco is claimed to have been well known in the old Incan Empire prior to the Spanish invading the New World.
PARSLEY – (Petroselinum Crispum)
Provides a very healthy dose of trace elements,” says Curtiss Runt, Ph.D., a research biologist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center in North Dakota. Once the water content of parsley is removed and the nutrient content is concentrated, gram for gram, it provides two – to three – times more copper, iron, magnesium and boron than almost any other food.
Copper and iron are involved with building healthy blood cells, while magnesium helps your body maintain mussel movement. Recent research at Grand Forks indicates that boron may be involved in stabilizing blood sugar. Fresh parsley is a good source of disease-fighting vitamins A and C, plus the blood-nutrients foliate and iron.
PLANTAIN – (Plantago Major)
The valuable healing nature of plantain has been used to soothe sore and inflamed membranes thus providing relief for coughs and mild bronchitis. Its astringent properties can aid in cases of diarrhea and hemorrhoids.
The freshly pulped leaves have been applied to skin lesions, wounds, and irritation from burns and hemorrhoids.
Plantain is considered especially valuable as a remedy for animal and insect bites in addition to blood poisoning. The powdered leaves have been used as an expectorant in upper respiratory maladies and to ease dry coughs. The leaves have been known to be used to soothe urinary tract infections and irritations. The common plantain, commended by all Greek herbalists, was one of the nine sacred Anglo-Saxon herbs.
During the sixteenth century, the well-known French physician Pare helped heal legions of wounded soldiers by using plantain poultices. The plant is cultivated in Europe for pharmaceutical use.
Recent research has discovered antibiotic principles in the plantain. Its infusion has been prescribed for bladder and kidney disorders, gastrointestinal ulcers and as a specific application for scrofula (swelling of the neck glands). Contemporary herbalists recommend the tea for impotence. Chinese herbalists have used plantain to treat impotence and spermatorrhea.
PSYLLIUM – (Plantago Psyllium)
One of the highest sources of dietary fiber to be found in any food is from the psyllium plant. It is now known that it helps rid the body of excess cholesterol. Its main use is that of a laxative. Lately, this herb has been touted as an aid in preventing heart disease and as a cancer fighter. Psyllium may raise the level of beneficial HDLs (good cholesterol) in the blood. For centuries psyllium has been used to treat ulcers, colitis and constipation.
Experts say this mineral may increase immunity, reduce the incidence of heart attack and may fight arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. In 1957, it was discovered that selenium was in essential mineral that certain diseases (thought to be caused by lack of vitamin E) could be readily helped by selenium. Selenium has also been found to protect body tissues from oxidation and radiation damage.
It is known to aid in keeping youthful elasticity in tissues, alleviate hot flashes and menopausal stress. It may possibly neutralize certain carcinogens and provide protection from some cancers.
The Herbs
On three different continents, I discovered three different herbs, each with a centuries-old reputation as a powerful blood purifier. In Europe, descendants of ancient gypsies told me about the powers of Red Clover. In the deserts of North America, I learned of Sage & Chaparral from the Native American wise men. In the Far East, I finally discovered the unique oriental herb that set my formula apart from all others: Herbalene (oriental spice).