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3. Ody, Penelope, The Complete Medicinal Herbal, London, N.Y., Stuttgart., Dorling Kindersley ©1993

4. Tenney, Louise, Today’s’ Herbal Health, 2nd ed. Woodland Books ©1983.

5. Mairesse, Michelle, The Health Secrets of. Medicinal Herbs, N.Y., Arco Publishing ©1981.

6. Castlernan, Michael, The Healing Herbs, Rodale Press, Penn. © 1991.

7. Blacow, N.W. Martindale Extra Pharmacopeola, 26th ed. London: Pharmaceutical Press ©1974.

8. Claus, EP. and Tyler, V.E., Pharmocognosy, 5th ed. Lea and Febiger ©1965.

9. Kadans, J.M., Modern Encyclopedia of Herbs, West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Publishing Co. ©1974.

10. Osol, A, and Farrar, G., The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 25th ed. Philadelphia: J.P. Lippincott Co. © 1975

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13. Grieve, M.A., Modern Herbal, N.Y.: Hefner Publishing © 1959.

14. Harrington, H.D., Edible Native Plants of the Rocky Mountains, Albuquerque; University of New Mexico Press, © 1967.

15. Der Marderosian, A., “Medical Teas-Boon or Bane?” Drug Therapy. © 1977.

16. Arena, J.M., Poisoning – Toxicology: Symptoms and Treatments, 3rd ed. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas ©1976.

17. Macht, D.I. and Cook, H.M., J Am Pharm Ass, 1932, 324.

18. Mindell, Earl, R.Ph., Ph.D., Earl Mindell’s Herb Bible., Published by Simon & Schuster N.Y., 1992,

19. Mairesse, Michelle, The Health Secrets of Medicinal Herbs, N.Y., Arco Publishing, Inc. © 1981.

20. Kloss, Jethro, Back to Eden, Back to Eden Books Publishing Co., Loma Linda, CA. © 1988.

21. Mabey, R., The New Age Herbalist. Macmillan Publishing Co., N.Y., N.Y. 1988.

22. Winters, Jason, Killing Cancer, Vinton Publishing of Las Vegas. NV. 1980.

23 Graf, A.B., Exotic Plant Manual, Roehrs Company, E. Rutherford, New Jersey. 1974

24. Tyler, V.E., Ph.D, The Honest Herbal, Pharmaceutical Products Press. 1993.

25. Balch, James F., MD; Baich, Phyllis R., CNC. Prescriptions for Natural Healing, Very Publishing Group, Inc., Garden City Park, NY.

26. Montgomery, Ruth, Threshold To Tomorrow, The Ballantine Publishing Group, Fawcett Crest, NY.