September’s Column
I know things are hard and sometimes we fail, but remember YOU are capable of greatness!
I know things are hard and sometimes we fail, but remember YOU are capable of greatness!
Dear friends,
I hope this finds you all well.
I have just returned from Japan, where we opened up our very first Jason Winters Café and Gym.
I am very excited and we are hopeful that this is the first of many!
There are so many people that you will meet in your life that will tell you that you cannot achieve or you cannot do something that is too difficult or too hard and it’s just not possible.
Never believe that for one moment, you must believe in yourself. You must believe that you can accomplish anything and I know that you can, I’ve seen it in my own life!
Also, it’s important to remember to be kind. There’s a difference between being nice and being kind.
Never forget the good you’ve done in your life, even if faced with ingratitude.
Try not to doubt yourself. I know things are hard and sometimes we fail, but remember YOU are capable of greatness!
Have a wonderful rest of September!
Sir F. Raymond Jason Winters. KCSJ. SOJ
Founder: Jason Winters International, Inc.